Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Devils Beat

Call me a weirdo if you wish, but there is a soft spot in my heart for pseudo country songs. Nothing too folky, nothing too twangy, but when I find the perfect combination of the two, that shit stays with me. I was playing Korean Audition 2 when I found this song, no youtbe for a change. This song has a nifty beat with some lyrics that actually made me sing out loud, that right there is a rare occurance. Please enjoy todays song.



  1. Strange man, just strange. I don't even know what else I can say about it other then you have an enormously broad musical taste ;p

  2. Nah, you're not a weirod. Country's cool, mate.

  3. IDk, but this kinda reminded me of Tom Jones for some reason. I love his music, especially his cover of "Black Betty"

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  5. Not bad, keep the good videos coming

  6. everyone is free to like something.

    I like you for it... following!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Not really my thing but its not too bad man
